Mobile Barrier & Enclosure Systems

A versatile new system for pressure testing protection that allows numerous barrier configurations to be formed in facilities and in the field.

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Versatile Pressure Testing

Blast Control’s PFX Mobile Pressure Test Barrier Systems provide a much-needed solution for many industrial pressure testing applications.

Personnel are exposed to the risks posed by high pressure equipment each day, primarily because traditional barrier designs are simply not feasible to use in many situations.

This is especially the case in field-based operations and areas where a barrier would drastically interfere with operations.

Very Modular & Fast Set-up

The PFXsystem is comprised of a number of Blast Control Blankets housed in mobile support frames. PFX Barriers can be used individually or linked together to form any barrier size and configuration needed.

This is extremely beneficial in operations where numerous types of equipment of varying dimensions are pressure tested regularly.

The PFX system allows a barrier of just the right size to be implemented and then removed after testing. The lightweight barrier sections are mobile and modular, transporting and storing easily

mobile blast control barrier application

Customized Solutions

PFX systems are engineered to mitigate projectiles specific to the parameters of each application.

The system is available in PFX and PFX-HD variants which are specified based on barrier size requirements and energies that may be applied to barriers system in the event of a failure.

PFX systems enhance safety, increase efficiency, and decrease operational costs.

PFX™ Tri-Fold Partition

Single Blanket Spanning Between Two Frames Allows Barrier to Hinge at Center Span Section.

PFX™ Linkable Partition Frames

Single Barrier with Extra Width Blanket to Span and Link to Additional Barriers to Form Varying Size Barriers

Blast Control PFX™ Linkable Partition Frame

Deployable Barrier Systems

The DBX™ Deployable Barrier System was designed for use in hydraulic fracturing operations (fracking).

Engineered barriers are placed between wellheads on multi-well fracs to allow work to safely continue on wells while an adjacent well is under pressure. This means reduced non-productive time and more importantly, enhanced safety on location.

Module Enclosures

Modular PFX Barrier sections connect & disconnect from one another quickly, allowing them to be relocated or stored after pressure testing. This cutting edge safety system adapts to enclose equipment of any size and is a game changer for facility and field based operations.

Blast Control PFX™ HD Mobile Barrier
Blast Control PFX™ HD Mobile Barrier

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